On Sunday, December 20th, we had a dinner with family. We cooked a prime rib and lots of goodies to go with it. It was great to be together again and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Landan read a special prayer before dinner this year, which was nice.
After dinner we had the kids sing Happy Birthday to Jesus before they could open up presents. We also made them take turns this years, starting with the youngest to oldest. Lorelle got a candy jewelry making machine...three of her favorite things: baking, jewelry and CANDY!
Landan and Lauren seemed SO grown up this year. It is sad to see them getting so big and mature but it is also very rewarding to see the young adults they have become. They both have such kind heart and totally get and appreciate the "reason for the season" now.
My beautiful Lilyan and my "baby" for about 6 more months...she was SO excited and thankful for all the
crafty gifts she received from everyone. She was TOO cute!
Later in the evening, the kids decided they would put on a talent show for the adults. Lorelle and Ashley are the only two that actually performed and didn't chicken out. My 11 year old niece Ashley did a dance to the song Party in the USA by Miley Cirus. She was GREAT and can move her hips a little too well for her dad's liking I think:-) Lorelle sang a Demi Lavato song. She is a confident, fun , little girl and her singing makes me smile.
Thanks to all of you that I am blessed to call "Family"! I love you all!!!