The kids all enjoyed our busy Halloween weekend. On Saturday morning I made a crockpot of chili and the littles helped me make cupcakes:)
They took turns filling the cups...
Liam licking the bowl and I think Chip wanted to help;) LOL!
Lorelle and Levi decorating the cupcakes...
Lorelle with her finished product...
Tractor trailer ride from our friendly neighbor...
My boys playing football with their dad...
Leytan and Levi...
It was finally time for the big night of Trick-or Treating. My BBF brought her boys over to go with us. The kids all had fun and got TONS of candy. Levi led the pack...he was "into it"! Let's hope he understands this is a once a year thing. If I see him in costume ringing the neighbors doorbells, then I guess I better have our neighbor (and translator;) Wendy, explain that to him. LOL!
Lorelle, my beautiful Wizard...
Leytan, McClain, Lilyan, Landan, Carter, Levi, Lorelle and Liam...
And they're off!
Lance with Liam's mask on...
The gang...
Silly Lily on Andy's shoulders...
Levi also joined Liam for his first sleepover on Saturday night. He did great and had FUN! It is hard to believe that he has only been home for 7 weeks. Levi also went to his Sunday school class alone for the first time this morning and went rolling skating for the first time this afternoon. Lots of firsts for my baby boy this weekend! We enjoyed the skating party Wade Family and a HUGE Happy Birthday to Alijah, Aden and Ashton!!! I tried to get some picture at the skating rink but couldn't get any decent ones with the lighting there;( Lorelle is a she is with most things. Levi and Lilyan tried their best and Leytan actually got the hang of rollerblades today. I even did a few laps around the rink:) Lance stayed home with Landan and Liam. Liam wanted to go but has been having some leg pain. I know another surgery is in our future, probably within the next year:( I am NOT looking forward to that. UGH!!! Also, thanks you my Granny and Don for sending the kids all Halloween cards:) Overall, we had a GREAT Halloween weekend!!! We were blessed with BEAUTIFUL weather!!!
Thank you Lord!
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